Shopify Plus Pricing: How much does it cost? Is it worth upgrading?

Shopify Plus Pricing: How much does it cost? Is it worth upgrading?

Shopify Plus Pricing: Is it worth upgrading?

Shopify Plus is the enterprise version of Shopify, priced accordingly.

While the base Shopify plan starts at $29/month, Shopify Plus plans start at $2,000/month.

So, is it worth upgrading to Shopify Plus?

It depends on your business needs. Shopify Plus is worth the investment if you’re looking for advanced features and support.

shopify plus pricing

What is Shopify Plus?

Shopify Plus is a premium version of Shopify with additional features and support. It costs more than regular Shopify but is worth it for many businesses. The main benefits of Shopify Plus are the ability to scale quickly, access to dedicated support, and advanced features.

How much does Shopify Plus cost?

How much is Shopify Plus? Shopify Plus’s transparent pricing system and a basic plan cost $2,000 per month. This fee will depend on the specifics of your business and may vary depending on factors such as volume and complexity. Comparatively, competitors such as Magento Commerce and WooCommerce typically charge between $400 to $600 per month for their products.

Shopify vs Shopify Plus: What are the differences?

Shopify vs Shopify Plus, Shopify is a popular ecommerce platform that offers users a customizable online store. Shopify Plus is the enterprise version of Shopify, and it offers users additional features and support.

What are the benefits of using Shopify Plus?

Shopify Plus is the enterprise platform of Shopify, a leading ecommerce solution. It’s designed for high-volume merchants who need advanced features and support.

Let’s look at some benefits of using Shopify Plus for your business.

Advanced ecommerce solutions

Shopify Plus offers a variety of advanced ecommerce solutions, including:

  • B2B eCommerce Platform – Shopify Plus provides businesses with a platform to create and manage their online store and connect with suppliers and customers.
  • Multi-Channel eCommerce – With this feature, a Shopify Plus partner can sell their products across multiple channels, such as mobile apps, website integrations, and social media platforms.
  • Headless eCommerce – This type of solution allows for easier development and maintenance of web applications by separating the presentation layer from the data layer (frontend vs. backend).
  • Shopping Cart – This feature allows customers to purchase multiple items in one transaction without registering or logging into an account first.

Enhanced website performance

Using Shopify Plus to host your website offers many benefits, including faster fulfilment and happier customers. The platform’s unlimited bandwidth allows for fast and error-free transactions. Shopify Plus also has flat-rate plans that support unlimited products and storage without additional charges for bandwidth or storage. This ensures that sellers don’t have to worry about speed issues or minor errors during high traffic from flash sales.

Increased customer support

Increased customer support benefits users of Shopify Plus because it provides them with faster fulfilment and happier customers.

The increased customer support includes phone support, which allows users to resolve issues quickly and provide better customer service. This helps improve their reputation as a business, leading to more satisfied customers and increased sales.

Increased platform customization

Shopify Plus merchants are allowed to fully customize their brand and store with various customizable templates, branding features, and more. Additionally, the platform provides an API that allows merchants to develop custom integrations for their businesses. This level of customization helps businesses build a unique experience for their customers while streamlining operations behind the scenes.

Increased scalability

Using Shopify Plus increases scalability by providing a single platform that integrates all the necessary components for running an online store. This includes hosting and infrastructure costs, last-minute performance and load testing, security patches, and upgrades, and outsourcing simple changes that can be done by the merchant themselves – all of which can be managed through one platform. By utilizing Shopify Plus as a single platform instead of multiple systems for each task, merchants can scale their operations more efficiently while saving on costs associated with multiple platforms.

Additional payment processing options

Shopify Plus offers several additional payment processing options that can benefit businesses. For example, Shopify Plus supports multiple currencies, which can be helpful for businesses that operate in multiple countries. Additionally, Shopify Plus offers fraud protection and chargeback management features that can help businesses avoid losses due to fraudulent activity. Overall, the benefits of using Shopify Plus can be very helpful for businesses, but the cost of upgrading can be significant.

Increased store security

Using Shopify Plus as a hosted platform increases store security by providing various benefits such as automated security patches, point releases, and upgrades. It also offers to host services that reduce the costs associated with hosting and infrastructure maintenance. Furthermore, Shopify Plus allows merchants to outsource simple changes they could otherwise do themselves, which helps to save time and money while ensuring greater security for their e-commerce stores.

Enhanced customer experience

Using Shopify Plus can enhance the customer experience by leveraging behavior-based AI and sophisticated user experience technology. This technology allows Shopify Plus to understand customer needs better and provide a more personalized and optimized online experience. It also offers faster fulfillment speeds, so customers receive their products quickly. Additionally, it provides insight into customer behavior which helps retailers improve their products or services based on customer feedback. Ultimately, using Shopify Plus helps retailers create a better overall experience for their customers that is faster, more personalized, and more efficient than traditional eCommerce solutions.

Increased website store customization

Shopify Plus allows merchants to customize their cart and checkout code to bring an experience to customers that Standard and Advanced Shopify users cannot access. This includes the ability to make changes such as special shipping rates, discounts for customer segments, and preferred payment options.

Shopify Plus is a multi-channel eCommerce platform for large ventures, wholesalers, and enterprise-level eCommerce shops. It allows for high-demand sales, a higher level of customization, and scalability compared to the Standard version of Shopify, which is limited in its customization capabilities.

Increased app and website store customization

Shopify Plus offers an enhanced level of customization compared to the standard Shopify plan. With Plus, merchants can add apps to their store that provide additional functionality, such as customer analytics or upselling. Additionally, Plus agencies can develop selling channel apps for anywhere customers are located.

Compared with other ecommerce platforms such as BigCommerce Enterprise, Shopify does not provide certain types of functionality out of the box (e.g., AMP functionality). However, its app store contains over 8,000 apps (both free and paid) that can be used to integrate with other popular online services.

What are the different pricing packages for Shopify Plus?

Shopify Plus is a premium ecommerce platform designed for high-growth businesses. It offers all the features and benefits of Shopify, plus additional enterprise-level features and support.

Contact a Shopify Plus expert to get an accurate quote for Shopify Plus pricing. They will work with you to determine the best Shopify pricing plan for your business.

Flat rate plan ($2,500/month)

Shopify Plus is a flat rate plan offered by Shopify that allows businesses to launch fast, stay fast and save money with a monthly fee.

The cost-effective monthly fee for Shopify Plus starts at $2,000 and can vary depending on the volume of business. This plan offers advanced features such as 24/7 support from experts in web development, design, and marketing; access to exclusive apps; automatic data backups; one-click scalability for high traffic volumes; no minimum contract period requirements.

Plus services ($1,000/month)

The Shopify Plus $1,000/month package includes a range of services, such as:

  • 24/7 customer support
  • Dedicated account manager
  • Unlimited production apps and integrations
  • SSL certificate for secure transactions

Custom Development ($500/hour)

The cost of designing your new Shopify Plus site will depend on the complexity of your site and your business’s specific needs. For example, basic theme customization could range from $10,000 to $30,000 (or more), while a tailor-made or heavily modified template may cost between $75,000 and $100,000 (or more).

Platform Updates ($100/hour)

Shopify Plus offers an ongoing website support program, Run State, which allows clients to sign up for 20/40/60-hour tiers per month for ongoing development needs. The cost of this program varies depending on the needs of each client, but most spend somewhere between $15-$36,000 for ongoing site improvements each year (with an offsetting ROI from their awesome new store). Additionally, Shopify pricing has a floor of $2,000/month for a Shopify Plus license that allows you to create up to 9 expansion stores (for free!). This lowers your monthly charge if you spread that $2,000 across these sites.

Shopify Plus Fees ($600/month)

There is a variety of Shopify pricing plans depending on the size of your business and the features you need. For stores with monthly sales between $0 and $800,000, the platform fee is $2,000 per month. For everyone else, there is a transaction fee ranging from 0.25% to 0.15% (if using Shopify Payments).

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How to choose the right package for your business needs?

Businesses have different needs and requirements when it comes to shipping. Therefore, choosing the right package is essential for a business to function smoothly. With so many options available in the market, it can be difficult to decide which is best for your business.

Here are some tips that will help you choose the right package for your business needs:

Step 1: Determine your business needs

The first step in choosing the right Shopify Plus package for your business is determining your needs. What are you looking to use Shopify Plus for? Do you want to use it online, in-store, or both? Knowing this will help you determine which package would be best for your business.

If you’re solely looking to use Shopify Plus for online sales, the Basic Shopify plan may be a good fit. This package includes all of the features of Shopify, plus some extras specifically for online stores, such as abandoned cart recovery and advanced report builder. If you want to use Shopify Plus for both online and in-store sales, the Advanced Shopify Plus package may be a better fit. This package includes all of the features of Shopify Plus, plus some extras specifically for in-store sales, such as POS and gift cards.

The cost of Shopify Plus varies depending on which package you choose and whether you’re paying monthly or annually. The Basic Shopify Plus package starts at $2,000 per month, and the Advanced Shopify plan starts at $3,000 per month.

Step 2: Check the available package options

With Shipstation, you can select from various package types, such as USPS Priority Mail and FedEx Ground. You can check the available packages by going to your account settings and selecting the appropriate shipping method for each order.

Unlike other shipping services, Shipstation does not charge any additional Shopify transaction fees for using its services. You will not have to worry about additional Shopify costs when choosing a package type or tracking your shipments with their app or website.

Step 3: Compare pricing and features

Shopify offers several different pricing plans to suit a wide range of business needs. The Shopify Basic plan is free and offers basic eCommerce functionality, while the Shopify Plus plan offers advanced features such as custom domains and point-of-sale systems. Both plans include access to 24/7 support, automated shipping rates, and other useful tools.

The main difference between the two plans is that Shopify Plus provides more advanced features while maintaining the same low monthly fees as the Basic plan. Additionally, Shopify Plus allows you to use custom domains instead of a subdomain (for example, instead of

Step 4: Consider your budget constraints

When choosing a package for your business needs, it is important to compare available options. Consider factors such as cost, features, and support services when comparing packages to find one that fits within your budget constraints.

When comparing packages, it is important to contrast them to identify which features are most important for your business needs. This way, you can be sure that the package you choose will meet all your requirements while remaining within budget constraints.

Step 5: Read reviews from other users

Reading reviews from other users can help you choose the right package for your business needs because it gives you an insight into how other users have experienced the platform.

By reading these reviews, you can better understand each package’s features and determine which is right for your needs. You can also gain an understanding of customer support, ease of use, and likelihood to recommend ratings. This will help you make an informed decision about which package best suits your needs.

Step 6: Read the terms and conditions provided by the provider

When comparing different website development packages, it is important to read the terms and conditions carefully to understand what services are provided, what is included in the price, and any additional costs associated with the package.

It is also important to compare different providers to ensure they have comparable terms and conditions for each package. This will help you make an informed decision about which provider offers the best value for your money.

Step 7: Verify if there are any existing discounts available

The final step in choosing the right Shopify Plus package is to verify if there are any existing discounts available. Depending on your business needs, a discount may be available that could make upgrading to Shopify Plus more affordable. Before making your final decision, check with Shopify Plus customer support to see if discounts are available.

Step 8: Ask questions if needed

If you’re unsure which Shopify Plus package is right for your business, don’t hesitate to reach out to the Shopify Plus team. They can answer any questions and help you make the best decision for your business.


Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about Shopify Plus:

Do you have to pay taxes if you sell on Shopify?

Yes, if you sell digital products to consumers living in the EU and generate more than €10,000 in revenue per year from them, you must apply VAT to those products. Shopify’s digital download functionality can deliver a wide range of online goods, such as music, video, and images. The VAT rate for digital products varies from country to country, so you must know what rate to charge your customers depending on where they reside. To ensure compliance with tax laws when selling digital goods on Shopify, install the free ‘Digital Downloads’ app and make a couple of changes to your settings which will automatically apply the correct tax rates based on customer location.

No, Shopify offers an app to help merchants who sell digital goods comply with tax laws when delivering products across different regions. Furthermore, merchants who use Shopify’s ‘Starter’ plan can also benefit from this feature since it comes pre-installed with their account at no additional cost.

Why do you need expert advice to build a Shopify Store Plus?

When building a Shopify Store Plus, you need expert advice to ensure that it meets your business’s needs. Several factors, such as the size of your company, your team, your budget, and your objectives, determine the value of Shopify Plus. Additionally, many features may be useless if you don’t have the financial means to hire a developer. However, if you have the financial means to invest in technological infrastructure, then Shopify Plus combines the best of both worlds with helpful applications and the capacity for scaling. Additionally, experts can help with either upgrading or starting a completely new Shopify Plus store, saving time and money in the long term due to built-specifically needs platform features.

Does Shopify Plus take a percentage of sales?

Shopify Plus does take a percentage of sales, with the fee being 0.25% of your store’s monthly revenue, capped at $40,000 per month. This is different from standard plans, which have fixed Shopify fees.

Shopify Plus does not charge transaction fees for using its platform or accepting payments through Shopify Payment (Stripe). However, there is an additional 0.15% per transaction if you use a third-party payment provider instead of Shopify Payments.

Is it worth upgrading to Shopify Plus?

Yes, it is worth upgrading to Shopify Plus. With Shopify Plus, businesses can access advanced features such as a dedicated point of contact, 24/7 support, unlimited storage space and bandwidth, and more. Shopify Plus offers high-level security measures to protect your store from potential threats. Furthermore, with this upgraded plan, you can take advantage of powerful tools like multi-channel fulfillment, allowing you to manage orders across multiple channels easily. Finally, Shopify Plus provides access to exclusive software updates that ensure your store remains up-to-date with the latest technological advancements in ecommerce. Therefore upgrading to Shopify Plus is a smart choice for any business looking for an enhanced ecommerce experience at an affordable price point!

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